‘Spreading the Light of the Heavens’ - Lighting of the Lamp
Floral welcome of the Distinguished Guests
Keynote address by Shri Deepak Vasant Kesarkar, Cabinet Minister, Ministry of School Education, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Marathi Language, Government of Maharashtra
Words of Divine Wisdom by Shri Gauranga Das, ISKCON GBC & Director GEV (Govardhan Ecovillage)
Inspirational and Thought Provoking Speech by Shri Nilesh Kulkarni, Former Indian Cricketer, Founder Director - International Institute of Sports Management (IISM), TEDx Speaker
Invaluable experiences being shared by Renowned Educationist - Mr. Francis Joseph
Ed-Tech Presentation of On My Own Technology (OMOTEC)
Ed-Tech Presentation of Valuable Edutainment
Panel Discussion: The Origin & Evolution of the Hybrid Learning (HL) Model, & Designing an HL Course
Ed-Tech Presentation of KidEx
Ed-Tech Presentation of OLL
Ed-Tech Presentation of Sportsters
Ed-Tech Presentation of Eduvate
Special session on 'The future of our students, when it comes to learning outcomes and cybersafety'
Ed-Tech Presentation of Vizuara
Panel Discussion: Importance of a Conductive Environment for Learning, and the Role of the Hybrid Learning in transforming K-12 Education